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Circle on stick

German cities have lots of debt. The German newspaper “Die Welt” says that. Have a look.

Cities with the highest debt - debt level from loans, bonds and cash credits. Source: The German paper "Die Welt"

Cities with the highest debt – debt level from loans, bonds and cash credits
Source: The German newspaper “Die Welt”, 2013-12-10 (online, in German only)

Circle means debt. Big red circle means lots of debt. Small red circle means less debt. Circle that is glued on a stick means debt, too. Orange circle that is glued on a long stick means lots of debt. Orange circle that is glued on a short stick means less debt.

Looks funny. So you take a closer look. Doing that, you begin to wonder. #1 to #4 is like this. #5 to #15 is different. Why? How long would a circle on a stick be for a 3.2? He says: Why not relatively? By resident? In relation to the trade tax?

Nicolas Bissantz

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