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We have ranted about annual reports – him and me. About those from E.ON, vodafone, Sparkasse Nürnberg, Telekom and Teambank. Because good was painted red because of the CI. Because time was to be read backwards. Because units changed between years. Because comparison was difficult, reading was difficult, understanding was difficult.

Nivea and Tesa did it better. Have a look.

Beiersdorf auf einen Blick - die Kennzahlen, 2008 (linke Spalte), 2009 (rechte Spalte). Quelle: Beiersdorf AG, Geschäftsbericht 2009.
Source: Beiersdorf AG, annual report 2009.

Time runs from left to right. How it is supposed to be.

Säulendiagramme: Umsatz Tesa in Mio. Euro, Betriebliches Ergebnis Tesa in Mio. EUro (EBIT). Quelle: Beiersdorf AG, Geschäftsbericht 2009.
Source: also there.

It can be seen that the EBIT is small. Because turnover and EBIT are scaled individually. Because the trend is supposed to be seen. And not the ratio.

Liniendiagramm: Entwicklung der Beiersdorf-Aktie und des Dax 2009; jeweils als relative Veränderung. Quelle: Beiersdorf AG, Geschäftsbericht 2009.
Source: also there.

It can be seen that the share performed worse than the DAX. Because of the index (that is no disappindex here).

Tortendiagramme: Umsatz Consumer nach Regionen in Prozent, Umsatz Tesa nach Regionen in Prozent. Quelle: Beiersdorf AG, Geschäftsbericht 2009.
Source: also there.

Even the Tesa-pie works here. Because: only 3 numbers. Because: labelled correctly. Because: big difference between Europe left and Europe right.

Brave. Because: this is the annual report 2009 – a bad year.

Nicolas Bissantz

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