Bella consults Bella consults Slides are silver, speeches are golden PowerPoint is in discussion. It works well as a slide projector. Then they can all see what they are supposed to see. Not good if they see what they are supposed to hear: Slides look like notes for somebody's [...] Learn more
Bissantz ponders Bissantz ponders Absolutely correkt Proofreading is just as important in charts as it is in texts – and there are plenty of examples to prove that. When it comes to presenting data, however, we also need to remember that the real value [...] Learn more
Bella consults Bella consults A rule without If-Then 6 reasons for vacation. 2 years. 2 parts of Germany. 24 values. Sounds easy. It’s not. A lot to think about in this chart. Source: Welt am Sonntag (WAMS), No. 43, 2009-10-25, p.24 Motivations of Germans [...] Learn more
Bissantz ponders Bissantz ponders Paraskavedekatriaphobic considerations Today, we’ll prove how useful data analysis truly is by answering a very current question: Should we even leave the house on this Friday the 13th, for example, to go analyze data? Learn more
Clicks Clicks Naming reports variably We interpret motion as a sign of life – which could explain our fascination for machines. And culture has constantly reinterpreted the machine. Throughout DeltaMaster’s development, we sometimes let [...] Learn more