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As experts in data integration and business intelligence, we offer customized solutions for efficient corporate management.

Can we help you?
Find out for yourself.

Market leaders and hidden champions trust us.
Aebi SchmidtAlberts
Bauer Media GroupBaufritz
BürgerConmetall Meister
DennerDeutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität
Deutsche VermögensberatungDiakonie-Klinikum Stuttgart
Dr. WolffEdeka
Ewo PharmaFrischli
GFGKK Partners
Glocken BäckereiGrant Thornton
Intro AviationJob AG
JustKanton Bern
LiebherrMedia Markt
PorscheSalinen Austria
Business Intelligence as simple,
as it should be.

Strength lies in depth.

Strengthen your controlling with analytical power tools – methodical, flexible, easy to use.

Transform data into real insights – at the touch of a button and without any help from your IT department.

You can identify cost factors, efficiency potential and growth opportunities by gaining in-depth insights into the company’s performance.

Discover the previously unknown – through AI-based pattern and trend recognition methods.

For all data sources and upstream systems.
Salesforce Logo
Datev Logo
Salesforce Logo
Infor Logo
Datev Logo
Microsoft Logo

Set and go.

Experience planning, budgeting and forecasting from a single source – system-guided, without manual import/export and for every department.

The right planning solution for all areas – e.g. sales planning, primary cost planning, P&L, balance sheet, cash flow planning and much more.

Combine workflow control, authorization management or your master data maintenance in one single tool.

Click, enter, done. Benefit from default values, automatic distribution of planned values (splashing), multi-level comments, intelligent copy-and-paste, transaction control and many other functions.

The most important information at a glance.

Whether on a PC, tablet or smartphone – keep track of your data and key figures at all times.


Turn your data into signals. Our patented visualization follows simple, business-driven rules that are applied automatically. This gives you consistently designed reports, dashboards and analyses without time-consuming guidelines or reworking.

Instead of diagrams: Graphical tables combine the order of a table with the clarity of a graphic. This draws attention to what is important.

All key figures at a glance – always and everywhere. Whether data navigation, variance analysis or key figure comparison: you are informed and able to provide information in seconds.



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How can we help you?

Get in touch with us for more information.

Nicolas Bissantz

Diagramme im Management

Besser entscheiden mit der richtigen Visualisierung von Daten

Erhältlich überall, wo es Bücher gibt, und im Haufe-Onlineshop.