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DeltaMaster ETL (12.06.2019)


Erleben Sie, wie mit DeltaMaster ETL per Knopfdruck ein relationales Modell sowie eine darauf aufbauende OLAP-Datenbank in Microsoft SQL SAS erzeugt wird.

Planning with DeltaMaster 2019-06-26


In this webinar we will deal with questions concerning the effective collection and processing of plan values: What are top-down and bottom-up planning ap­proaches? How to conduct simulations? How to deal with multi-year planning or seasonal variations? Is it possible to analyse and visualize the captured planning revenues or contribution margins within the planning process […]

Planning with DeltaMaster 2019-07-04


In this webinar we will deal with questions concerning the effective collection and processing of plan values: What are top-down and bottom-up planning ap­proaches? How to conduct simulations? How to deal with multi-year planning or seasonal variations? Is it possible to analyse and visualize the captured planning revenues or contribution margins within the planning process […]